November 12, 2006
Peices, Papers, essays beyond the blog format, some written for courses, others for fun.
- Wiki Justice, Social Ergonomics, and Ethical Collaborations
- Collecting Knowledge: Narrative Tapestries and Database Substrates
- Becoming Your Own Big Brother: A Paradoxical Approach for Retaining Control of Personal Freedom
- Unforgettable in Every Way: Personal and Social Implications of Pervasive Omniscient Surveillance
- Plato and the Laptop: Prescribing Educational Technology for Society’s Ills
- Free Laptops: Creating, Producing and Sharing a Revolution
- The ZyprexaKills campaign: Peer production and the frontiers of radical pedagogy
- Transcending Tradition: America and the Philosophers of Communication
- Out of Thin Air: Metaphor, Imagination, and Design in Communication Studies
- Fabricating Freedom: Free Software Developers at Work and Play
- The Bionic Social Scientist: Human Sciences and Emerging Ways of Knowing
- Possibility Spaces: Architecture and the Builders of Information Societies
- The End of Forgetting: Transparent Identities and Permanent Records
- Beyond the Panopticon: Strategic Agency in the Age of Limitless Information (draft)
- Pediatric Bipoar and the Media of Madness (draft)
- Versioning Dissonance: Emerging Trends in Collaborative Production and Distributed Research
- Millennium Media: Ad-Hoc, Peer-to-Peer, Video Exchange Networks for Humanitarian Relief
- Narrative Advocacy: Mad Justice and Languages of Compassion
Filed by jonah at 3:16 am under
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